Talkcdl Trucking Podcast

Trucking News Drivers SAP and more



Trucking News Drivers SAP News. Drivers SAP and more this week on TalkCDL Trucking Podcast. Many small trucking companies are not aware of the rules when it comes to truckers failing the DOT drug screen. There are many carriers in operation with non compliant drivers because of not keeping up on the rules and regulations. When a truck drivers fails a random or a pre employment drug and alcohol screen, they are technically a driver out of commission. Meaning they have to comply with the return to duty program or a Substance Abuse Program or an S.A.P. Without proofnthat a driver has completed this program a trucking company is not permitted to out that driver back on the road by giving him a job. A trucking company must request a copy of the completion certificate from the administer of the program. then program must also meet DOT regulations. A trucking company runs the risk of a penalty if they do not obtain the paper wor