Southern Rogue

Southern Rogue Genesis



This is the Southern Rogue podcast. I’m your host Susan Pogue, an environmental consultant and realtor in the Nashville area. This past year, I joined my family in real estate and started pursuing projects within our brand that pushed the boundaries of what I’d always done.  This podcast isn’t perfect, and I didn’t want it to be. I wanted the conversations to be real, and I wanted those listening to hear them the way I was hearing them. I have somehow managed to pull this together by myself - thanks to lots of you tube videos and a supportive network. I cannot express enough gratitude for my family to listening to all my intros a millions times and the friends and contacts that I interviewed. I love every interview like it’s my favorite, and I still go back to my notes I took during each one. Maybe this isn’t for you, but I sincerely hope you take the time to listen and learn from these people the way I am. I am so excited to finally present the Southern Rogue Podcast.  Enjoy.