Tete & Espresso

Beware of your mental state - I am great + we are great - Tribal Leadership



I am great..No No good fellow, we are great...Welcome to TeTe & Espresso, a CastBox original, I’m TeTe. The words we say are soooooo important.. The book “Tribal Leadership,” is badass... The words we use are the reason why the words own us. Whatever we open mouths and say, will be an instant reflection of our lives...So focusing on literally what is coming out of your mouth is what to focus on...That is an inner reflection of how you are thinking, feeling, and being aware of. Stage 3 for many people is an amazing step. A Necessary step. YYYYeeeeeah PS..There is no skipping steps in this game. You must spend time in each before moving on..So own how great you are...before becoming aware that..We are great. Who is great? You are great! Who is great? I am great! Who is great? We are great! We are great We are great, the we is you and me! Who is great? you heard the answer in your head, we are great! Everything we want in life comes so much faster with the we. Weeeeeeeeeeee says the little pig all the way ho