Tete & Espresso

Communicate with the Universe - The End of Fantasy - Friday



( German accent) Yaaaa I vvvant you to stop zzzat nonsense right now. This is vreality..Welcome to TeTe & Espresso, a CastBox original, I’m TeTe. Your dream reality starts where your fantasy ends. Yes, wish upon a star...Then have faith in that wish...and start taking action towards your wish, like it is already happening...This is the practical approach to ending the “wishing, fantasizing, future date longing, anxious wanting...all of it... The reality of your dreams is in the action. Which can only happen in this current reality. It’s is how 2 people can have the same, “Wish,” and one goes to bed thanking the universe for 7 steps towards his or her dream..And the other person get’s on their knees at night to pray, makes another fantasy wish.  Action, reality, action, dream life, end of fantasy, action, start to your dream life, action. Action and faith, faith in reality, reality brings your dream life, and the end of fantasy, is the beginning beauty of reality. Action is our connection our universe