We Are In Beta Podcast

Will Smith, Chief Exec, Greenshaw Learning Trust - How to reduce workload and generate a feeling of relief in schools



In this episode of the We Are In Beta Podcast, Will Smith, Chief Exec at Greenshaw Learning Trust, shares his thoughts on: How acids and alkalis altered his life direction What everyone at Greenshaw is entitled to What impact changes to the Ofsted framework will have How he re-defines accountability The organisations that you probably think about that MATs are accountable to  The leader mindset shift he thinks is required in the system His trust’s statement of intent around inclusivity The other side of the exclusions debate he thinks should be recognised How he works to embody the culture of the organisation and who helped him realise it The strategies Greenshaw uses to value staff What they ask schools to stop doing when they start working with them The best CPD initiative he has ever pursued Why he has found himself in car parks with tears in his eyes The one question he says he would ask every head if he could How Greenshaw has developed a healthy pipeline of new leadership talent into the trust Why he t