Southridge Community Church

Race Relations



Starting Point are services with topics for anyone who may be new to church and faith, specifically in mind. Each time we plan these, we consider: what topic could we address that people outside the church wish the church was talking about? An issue that has recently come to mind is race relations. In America these days, it seems race equals tension. From #blacklivesmatter to #charlottesville to #takeaknee, the tensions are rising, the poles are dividing, and human beings seem to be evaluated as much by the colour of their skin as the content of their character. But is this an issue in Canada? What about in the church? And what should the church be doing about it? If you or anyone you know has ever felt the tensions of racism or wondered what the church has done or should be doing about it, join us for a conversation on race relations as we strive toward the love, inclusivity and unity of Jesus. Let\'s extend an invitation this week to Starting Point!