
Alcalde Roque lanzo Seguridad Primero para West New York



*Alcalde Roque lanzó SafetyFirstWNY con una contribución personal de $ 10,000 *Una organización sin fines de lucro dedicada a recaudar fondos para el sistema de seguridad de la ciudad Video cameras in numerous locations in West New York to better protect the residents of West New York from criminal activity. Mayor Roque’s plan also provides 24 hours of police monitoring of the community’s parks and recreation areas. The Mayor made the following comments at this press conference Keeping the citizens of West New York safe has been my highest priority. I am proud of my almost 8 year record as the Mayor and Police Commissioner which has demonstrated my commitment to the working families of our great city to keep them safe. When I first took office our city was in shambles. Due to financial mismanagement of the prior administration our police force was the subject of numerous layoffs and its moral was at an all-time low. As your Mayor and Police Commissioner I restored the police department to its f