Walking Dharma

Episode 21: Awakening Authentic Self Confidence



This week's podcast explores what it takes to cultivate authentic self confidence. Authentic self confidence is something that arises when we learn to fully trust ourselves, our abilities, and our ability to learn and grow accordingly. When we live life from an ego-based construct, we will always be hyper-critical of ourselves. For when we function primarily from the egoic mind we will continually feel inadequate and with that feeling comes the almost neurotic focus on self improvement and ways in which we need to be 'better' before we can feel genuinely confident. When we choose to live life from our heart/love based construct our attitude becomes focused on gratitude for what we have and the life force that dwells within us. From that gratitude we find self worth which naturally translates as self confidence. Self confidence that is based in self love and a strong sense of self worth is the type of confidence that cannot be robbed from us. When we have self worth we realize that the opinions of others do