Align Your Life Podcast

Why You Need To Stop Believing Everything You Think... | Ep. 11



Jenay goes IN on this SOLO episode. Your mind has been lying to you babe, and Jenay is peeling back the layers to expose this ugly truth.It's time for you to become the OPERATOR of your mind, because right now your mind is in the drivers seat and it's impacting you in all sorts of ways: negativity, stress, fear, overwhelm, anxiety, depression. Your mind is A TOOL. It's meant to be OPERATED, not operating. So listen up and break out the notes section because you're going to want to follow along. Be sure to share your favorite "AHA" moment in an IG Story and tag @namastejenay for some 1:1 love. If you're tired of playing small in your life and want to make your dreams come true... this is your chance. Jenay's new 4 WEEK LIVE COURSE BEGINNING 4/17 is going to take you from frustration and fear to complete confidence and divine guidance. If you are in a job you hate and you're wishing you could be like some of the women you see on IG, this is FOR YOU. Or, if you're a coach or entrepreneur who is ready to take it