Level Up Your Life

LUYL011 The 3 Biggest Mistakes I've Ever Made



Welcome to the Level Up Your Life Podcast hosted by the inspiring and down to Earth, Mark Black. During this weekly podcast, Mark will tackle topics that span every area of your life. From personal, relational, and professional, Mark has always got you covered. Mark’s messages are always real, honest, and resonate with his audience. Get ready to level up! During this episode, Mark tackles the difficult topic of failure while sharing his top three fails in his life thus far. He shares these anecdotes and lessons learned with the hope that you can apply them. Fails: Missouri FFA Speaking Event Monetization Books not going over well with students Catch slogan graphic t-shirt “Maybe you should test the market?” Sold 43 shirts of 600 (Less than 10% of what was ordered) Value Greed Selfishness Coming from the right space Being self aware Act in accordance with who you want to be Lessons Working constantly Help Ego blow Being present Easy to be selfish Focusing on business Supporting family Provid