Bloom And Brawn




Are you a judgemental person? Do you feel judged in motherhood, wifehood, womanhood or all the hoods? Do you tend to scroll social media and always feel something negative towards strangers that you've never met because it appears like they are achieving all the things you want for you own life? Judgement is toxic to us as humans. It impacts our relationships with other people AND ourselves. What we put out we are getting back ten fold and so ultimately we are just judging ourselves which leads to so much pain and hurt and keeps us stuck in old patterns with an inability to grow and change and have the life of our dreams. So today we are tackling judgement head on, learning why we are all guilty of it and how we can stop the viscious cycle in our lives and our businesses.   Follow me on IG: Join my business Facebook Community: Join my Market Mastery biz course: