Woman Untamed

007 - WILD CONVO: Ancient Egypt, Plant Medicine, & Breast Implant Illness with Jennifer Sodini



Join me and Jennifer Sodini, author, public speaker, and the founder of the conscious media platform Evolve and Ascend, for a multi-dimensional conversation covering everything from explant surgery, informed consent, Ancient Egypt, and merging the mystical with the human experience.   Here's what she shines light on: *Her recent experience with Explant surgery and how it mimicked a plant medicine journey *The truth about breast implant complications and why women need to reexamine and stand up for their right to informed consent *Her connection to plant medicine and what it has awakened within her *Ancient Egypt and her devotion to making esoteric concepts digestible to the modern world   Head HERE to preorder your Amenti Oracle Deck // And HERE to learn more about her retreat. evolveandascend.com // @jennifersodini // jennifersodini.com   Blessings!   Jennifer Sodini is an author, public speaker, and the founder of the conscious media platform Evolve and Ascend. Through her travels and research, she h