Doc Thompson

National Snake Day, Hulk Hogan is Back!, & Seth Denson - 7/16/18



The Morning Blaze Topics: Hour 1 ll of the dirt is coming out about  Brett Kavanaugh… Hillary Clinton has some things to say about Kavanaugh… Starting your speech with ‘Too tired to stand’… Really?... All the rage over Trump’s actions in the UK… Trump denies questions from CNN. Hour 2 Really Elon Musk, the floor?... Word breaks out of Elon Musk donating money to Republicans… We speak with Jeremy Dys from Religious Freedom Monday… He talks about a case they are working on a priest banned from football games for preaching before the game… National Snake Day… Doc discovered he’s old. Hour 3 We speak with Seth Denson, co-founder, and president of GDP Advisors, to talk about his plan for health insurance… Minor league baseball team jokes around with millennials and they are triggered… Hulk Hogan is back in the Hall of Fame after a three-year suspension. To see more from Doc, visit his channel on T