Live Immediately With Mike Campbell

014: Evie Farrell - Stepping Sideways In Life To Live Your Dreams



We all have choices in our lives and often when we say we can’t do something, it is because we have already said yes to something else. Just like that old saying, “You can have everything, just not all at the same time.” My guest today, Evie Farrell, had been saving up to renovate her kitchen. And even though she had gone through the design process, flicked through countless magazines and walked through many showrooms, she just couldn’t bring herself to spend her money on a new kitchen. Evie kept thinking, that in ten years time, her daughter would not thank her for giving her a new kitchen. But she would thank her for giving her the experience of traveling through Asia for 18 months with her.  So that is what she did. Evie packed up her life in Sydney and spent the kitchen money on an 18 month adventure through Asia with her 6 year old daughter.  In this episode we talk about stepping sideways in life, the material waste that we have in our lives, the joy of travelling with