Upschool Asia Tech Podcast

179: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey (UpSchool Book Reviews UPS2)



00:05 Introduction to UPS2 - The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey - UpSchool Book Reviews with Graham Brown 00:30 What does the 7 Habits teach entrepreneurs about success that many books get wrong? 00:55 Why do most people not like habits? 02:00 Habit 1 - Be Proactive 02:50 Habit 2 - Begin with the End in Mind 04:50 Habit 3 - Put First Things First (The important/urgent quadrant) 05:55 Habit 4 - Think Win-Win 07:25 Habit 5 - Seek First to Understand then Be Understood 08:45 Habit 6 - Synergize 09:45 Habit 7 - Sharpen the Saw