Upschool Asia Tech Podcast

174: The 4 Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss (UpSchool Book Reviews UPS1)



00:05 Introduction to UPS1 - The 4 Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss UpSchool Book Reviews 00:50 What did the 4 Hour Workweek change in the minds of a generation of would-be entrepreneurs? 01:45 What's actually inside the 4 Hour Workweek? 02:30 The D.E.A.L acronym 02:55 Reality is Negotiable: Define success on your own terms 04:40 E for Elimination 07:05 We are the sum of the 5 people we hang around with on a daily basis (Jim Rohn) 08:05 A for Automation 10:00 Why should you focus on building pipelines rather than carrying buckets? 13:20 L for Liberation 14:05 The power of the "What if?" question