Tactical Talk With Allison Barrie

Inside Grenade Exchanges + other Mind-blowing DELTA Adventures



If a grenade lands near you…is it like the movies? Should you throw it? Kick it? Run? Our guest this week reveals what really happens when a grenade gets chucked at you. Chris VanSant achieved selection for the legendary 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta (Delta Force) and served in US Special Operations for more than 20 years. Today, you’ve got the very special opportunity to go inside not just one fascinating DELTA adventure – but several. And Chris is one helluva skilled communicator and storyteller.  Find out what life is truly like inside such a covert, hidden world. Hear how calm these elite operators are in the most dangerous places – so calm and capable that they maintain a great sense of humor while facing the most dangerous threats. Why are sewing machines as important as rifles? What’s the worst thing to do when struck by one of the most poisonous scorpions? For veterans and serving military, Chris also shares hugely helpful advice on how to handle t