Tactical Talk With Allison Barrie




Protect women. Protect children. Protect family. Protect friends. Are you a guardian? Are you ready to step in and protect the vulnerable? Do you know what to do if an attacker poses a threat? With the #metoo incidents dominating headlines, many men have grown increasingly concerned about how to help stop attacks. Today, he arms you with the right steps to take if you see a guy up to bad stuff. Steps anyone can do – steps you don’t have to be a professional warrior to do – and those steps will surprise you. Aaron Barruga earned selection to one of the nation’s most elite forces – Army Special Forces, the legendary Green Berets. He honed his expertise through years serving our nation all over the world. Now other incredibly talented warriors come to his company Guerilla Approach to sharpen their skills in high threat environments from vehicles in combat through to marksmanship on pistols and carbines. The episode kicks off focusing on a concern many men share an out of line man at