Sports Borts

Self-Conscious Boston Sports Fandom with Darren Miller



Why do so many people so revile Boston sports teams and their fans? Because Tom Brady and Bill Belichick are so hateable? Sure. Because they have an easily mocked regional accent? Of course. But also maybe because people are jealous? No. It's because they win the most and sports fans hate the people who are lucky enough to win the most. Duh. Darren Miller is someone who happens to have been born in New England and who happens to like Boston sports and also who happens to be self aware enough to see why some people might be sick of all the Boston teams winning. The Borts chat about where the worm turned on the formerly lovable New England fans and somehow finding a way to root for Boston without being all obnoxious about it.  It's informative, it's fun, it's SPORTS BORTS, check it out! ... If you or anyone you know would like to advertise anything on Sports Borts, simply email It's a name-your-own-price situation, so don't be shy, get the word out about WHATEVER on our podcast! ..