Don Woods

LlanfairPG in Anglesey, Wales



The BBC news at the moment has been depressing us all in its usual fashion....with the constant coverage of the terrible bombings in Sri Lanka....the tragic loss of lives must be so unbearable for those involved which is not helped by the BBC filming close-ups of those grieving..... Whereas I appreciate when we get a bit of sunshine in this country people want to get out and enjoy it...what has always puzzled me is why do they ALL do it at the same time?.....I went out to Wales over Easter as the forecast promised us plenty of sunshine....the Friday was Bank holiday so I went late Thursday....and had a clear run to Anglesey.... 3.On the entertainment front we are subjected once again to "Britain's Got Talent" which is as bad as it gets....if Britain has talent why don't they put it on this dreadful show instead of letting a bunch of no-hopers make fools of themselves in front of a panel of know-nothing judges with Simon Cowell deciding whether HE thinks they should get the holy thumbs up......and what pur