Concordia Ed Tech Podcast

Tech Talk Roundtable 06-08 | Student Designed Gamification



Description Already this season you’ve heard us talk about Game Design and Gamificiation, well today we’re Kickin’ it up a notch and sharing how students are taking ownership of their learning by designing their own “gamified” learning experiences. When students design their own learning experiences you know you’ve got something special. Lessons Learned Chris - Seeing  situations from multiple perspectives will never be natural but is always necessary if we are to avoid getting into a mono-vision rut of how we see the world. Daniel -  Experimenting with vertical video for Instagram editing in Final Cut Pro  - Larry Jordan Dennis - Augmented Reality helping elementary student learn about Erosion. Fun Fact(s) Harry Houdini Houdini took his stage name from magician Robert-Houdin, whose autobiography inspired him. Houdini was born in Hungary in 1874 as Erik Weisz. He performed as Eh