Sports Borts

The Sports Borts Rules Courts (Volume 1)



Sports are great but the one thing we all agree on: They could be better! The only way to do that is to change the rules. Ben has a bunch of new rule ideas for baseball, basketball, football, and soccer that he thinks will make everything better. The Sports Borts Rules Courts is where he presents these new rule changes to Ashley "The Judge" so she can decide whether to "Call The Commish" and tell them to change the rule OR she tells Ben to "Go to jail, bitch" if the rule stinks. It's a simple system. ... If you or anyone you know would like to advertise anything on Sports Borts, simply email It's a name-your-own-price situation, so don't be shy, get the word out about WHATEVER on our podcast! ... No presh, but it would be very cool if you took a measly second or two to rate us and comment on our itunes page or wherever you digest podcasts. It's lame, WE KNOW, but it helps! ... Got questions, comments, or interesting low-res pics? Tweet or email them to us: @sportsborts sportsborts@gmai