Saints Unscripted

Mormons are Christian, Feat. Stacey Harkey



Are Mormons Christian? Saints Unscripted discuss why Mormons / LDS Members are Christian and their belief in Jesus Christ with Stacey Harkey from Studio C.    Saints Unscripted each take turns asking Stacey questions about his life as a Christian, being a part of Studio C, his embarrassing moments, and his celebrity crushes, and his favorite Apostles and Prophets. Stacey and the Saints Unscripted also discuss their thoughts about why Mormons are Christian and what it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ.   Mormons easily meet the definition of a Christian as implicitly defined in the New Testament: they believe that ancient prophets foretold Christ’s coming, that Jesus Christ suffered for our transgressions, that he was put to death but rose from the dead, that through him we may obtain forgiveness of our sins, and that he will come again in glory.  Stacey believes a Mormon is a Christian, a follower of Christ and one who seeks after his teachings. Jesus Christ is fundamental to the Morm