Level Up Your Life

LUYL015 5 Tips for Developing Self Discipline



When we think about discipline, it often comes with a less than pleasant feeling attached to it. It’s not sexy, and a lot of people struggle with self discipline for a number of reasons. But why does discipline matter? Why would you want to do without the things you want now? Why would you deprive yourself of the things you could go out and get right now? In order to have the things you’ve always wanted. Discipline is the ultimate tool to losing those extra pounds, saving all of that money, and even seeing that business success you’ve dreamed of. It doesn’t even need to be unpleasant in the moment! Here are 5 tips to help you build a little more discipline into your day to day life, so that you can start having better tomorrows.   Discipline doesn’t have to be a dirty word Why do we want to be disciplined? Practicing self denial self-denial Rewarding yourself when it’s appropriate to do so! The subtle art of planning ahead The secret is in the structure: Make your life a little harder on purpose Gamification