Hitpoint Pals

All Men Must Die, but Sonic is Not a Man



Episode 14: James Marsden's police car says "Green Hills." Then he yells, "SFPD!" Which is it, James Marsden? We look back on the first trailer for the upcoming Sonic the Hedgehog film, the criticism it received, and the surprising announcement by director Jeff Fowler that changes "will happen." We also touch on new hardware entering the VR market as well as some Borderlands 3 impressions, before chatting about the games we've been playing. But the moment we've all been waiting for, the Battle of Winterfell, came and went, leaving us with numerous questions. We cap this episode of the podcast with a solid hour of cathartic talk about The Night King, proprietary video players, and the themes of A Song of Ice and Fire.  News discussed:  Sonic the Hedgehog movie trailer and redesign  Valve Index is $999; Oculus Rift S, Quest release May 21  Borderlands 3 gameplay reveal  Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford says game has no microtransactions, does have microtransactions  Games discus