Worldbuilder's Anvil

Episode 277 Basics of fantasy culture group creation



Today's Topic The long and short of creating a culture framework Reading about cultures in national geographic was my first step into worldbuilding. The similarities and differences of cultures and how they change over time have been fascinating.  Years ago I learned about the idea of language families.  So I extended the idea of language families and came up with a protoculture or a fantasy culture group. The idea is that as the hunter-gatherer culture separates.  Not only does the language change, but so does the way the people believe. So Join Michael and Jeffery as the look about how to create a fantasy culture group in your fictional world. Please Subscribe, Rate and Review us on iTunes For complete Fantasy Worldbuilding, show notes go to Podcast Show flow What is a framework? What Elements do you need? The long of it What makes up a culture Group verses Ethnicity Verses Western Couture vs English The 5 Big question Why do think they are related Shared language Shared religion Shared cu