Indy Mayhem Show: Pro Wrestling Interviews

Indy Mayhem Show 115: Scott Hall, Rocky Reynolds, Bulk Nasty & Lumberjack L



This week on Indy Mayhem Show 115, Sorg and "Mainstream" Matt Carlins traveled to Meadville, PA for IWC's Night of the Superstars 5 to talk with Scott Hall, Rocky Reynolds, Bulk Nasty & Lumberjack Leraux! IMS Eamon Paton (@Eamon2Please) and Matt (@mainstreammat discuss more experiences from IWC's Meadville show and more from Around the Indys! Share your feelings on indy wrestling and tell us who we should talk to on the show via e-mail at If you are in Pittsburgh, you got to go to Slice on Broadway and get their food! ( @pgh_slice) Go to for more entertainment!