Indy Mayhem Show: Pro Wrestling Interviews

Indy Mayhem Show 112: Ray Zombie



This week on Indy Mayhem Show 112, Sorg and Eamon are joined by Ray Zombie to talk about experiencing Japan and stumbling on a DDT Wrestling Bar, getting into wrestling production with Inspire Pro Wrestling, working with Gene Simmons of Kiss and Johnny Muendo of Lucha Underground, getting up and close to pro wrestling for the first time as a fan, what he's watching and more! Eamon Paton (@Eamon2Please) and Michael Sorg (@sorgatron) discuss Evolve working with WWE for the Global Cruiserweight Tournament, the difference of wrestling for WWE (and the audience) as apposed to working on the indys, Renegade Wrestling Alliance, Global Force Wrestling, and more! Share your feelings on indy wrestling and tell us who we should talk to on the show via e-mail at If you are in Pittsburgh, you got to go to Slice on Broadway and get their food! ( @pgh_slice) Go to for more entertainment!