Indy Mayhem Show: Pro Wrestling Interviews

Indy Mayhem Show 26: Dirty Andy Dalton



Andy Dalton talks with us about his earliest memories, including memories of his dad as a second generation wrestler, including his weird connection with WrestleMania 1, his long road into wrestling, working East Coast, the recent Ring of Honor seminar, how the Indies give you a way to experiment the way WWE developmental is missing, what the fans say that pisses him off, and one of the greatest compliments he ever got from a WWE star. Sorg (@sorgatron) and Eamon (@eamon2please) also discuss JCW BloodyMania 8 coming up and the interesting match types, a Larry Sweeney memorial charity auction, NWA 360 and more! 1:20 - Box Office 3:45 - Community Saved by Yahoo 7:30 - Chuckie Sequel Coming 9:06 - Pacific Rim on Netflix 11:23 - Ridley Scott Bible Movie 22:45 - What We Watched: The Dictator, Chef and more.