Dennis Alan City Boy Homesteader Podcast

Episode-37-Homestead Design



  Today is Friday, May 10th 2019 and today we are talking designing your homestead from scratch using the principles of permaculture. I chose to buy raw land so I can design and build the ultimate homestead for myself. I am not going much into my exact design plan but talk about overall design strategies of major things that could make your life a whole lot easier. This will help you in planning a raw 100 acre lot or your existing city lot. Today we will be discussing Water  Solar Light/Heat Access    Wind management    Annual and perennial plantings Entertaining area Accessibility  Outbuildings Parking System planning   Before we get into i’d like to ask everyone that is listening to this to please take a minute out of your day and tell a friend or share this with friends on social media. When you’re done listening get outside :) Song of the day Neil Young - The Old Homestead My Coffee Shop The IngleBean Coffee Shop http://ww