Standing In The 6ix

#15 Just Show Up!



We all have heroes. For The Waterboy it was Captain Insano, and for young Tyler Buxton it was boxing champion, Sean O’Sullivan. There he was skipping and hitting pads in his hometown of Belleville, Ontario. An alluring sight that roped in 6 year old, Tyler into the world of boxing. He was hooked! Later, Tyler had his own fight in his early days as a boxing promoter. It seemed like a guaranteed win but it didn’t exactly go as planned. Returning to the job he had just quit now with $60,000 in debt it seemed like a TKO... but Tyler came up swinging. The next round he opened United Promotions. Now Tyler is looking for a world champion and knocking down cultural barriers. What began with The Contender fight in Jamaica, Tyler now travels there 12 - 14 times a year promoting fights that draw over 1 million viewers in Jamaica alone!  At this pace, his dream to bring a Canadian world champion may just be around the corner. Ladies and gentlemen, Tyler Buxton. FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM Michael -