Dsf Coaching Conversations

Exploring Mindset, Culture and Coaching - Season 1 Highlights



➡️What fuels the success of teams and individuals? ➡️What lessons can we learn from our guests to improve our own performance and wellbeing?   I’m Duncan Foster, a performance coach and business consultant specializing in Sport Psychology and Sport Science. In this podcast, I speak to leading professionals from the sporting world to find out their insight into the questions outlined above.    In this episode we’ve put together all of the best bits from season 1, bringing together the insights of our 12 guests from a variety of sporting perspectives. As we’ve progressed through the series we’ve seen three core themes that have emerged from our guests’ experiences, and we’ll be exploring what they are and the benefits they provide, while hearing the best skills and techniques from the experts themselves.   As always, please subscribe on Apple podcasts and follow on Spotify.    We’re already lining up more fantastic guests to talk to in season 2 of the podcast, so follow us on any of our social channels for the