The Quantum Communicator

Your Guide to Becoming "Unstoppable" with Joe Wilner



This week, Victor welcomes Joe Wilner to the show, to talk about how we can use mental toughness as a tool to become "unstoppable."  If you're at a point where you're struggling to make the progress you'd like in life, or if you're feeling stuck and defeated, you may be able to turn it around with Joe's help. Joe has interviewed twelve experts to get their take on different aspects of mental toughness, and he is going to share some insight into what he's found and how he can help others become "unstoppable." Joe is a Life-transition coach and psychotherapist who works with people wanting to navigate change and begin living with greater purpose, power, and presence. He writes at where he helps people thrive when they’re up and survive when they’re down, and is the creator of the "Becoming Unstoppable" course, which is a twelve-week ecourse to help you overcome obstacles and achieve your goals.