
Allen's Keynote 1 Minute Study Session



Debby Bruck studies Allen's Keynotes. Listen to the audio to refresh or begin learning the Keynotes on the Materia medica for each remedy. The reading may be a bit longer than One Minute. ZINCUM METALLICUM Extra Notes: Relations. - Compare: Hell., Tuber., in incipient brain diseasesfrom suppressed eruptions. Aggravation. - Of many symptoms from drinking wine, even asmall quantity (Alum., Con.).Amelioration. - Symptoms: of chest, by expectoration; of bladder,by urinating; of back, by emissions (< by Cobalt.); general, bymenstrual flow. Is followed well by, Ign., but  not by Nux, whichdisagrees.Inimical - Cham., and Nux; should not be used before or after.