
Alan Phillips Vaccinations & Your Rights in the US Feb 17



Today's Show | Greg will introduce to us the distinction between local police power and federal interstate commerce authority. Alan Phillips, J.D. of Chapel Hill, NC, is one of the nation's leading vaccine rights attorneys. He advises individuals, families, attorneys, groups and organizations throughout the U.S. on vaccine exemption and waiver rights; supports legislative initiatives aimed at expanding vaccine freedom of choice; is published internationally on vaccine health and legal matters; and appears regularly at rallies, conferences, and on radio and TV shows discussing vaccine rights issues. Greg Glaser is a constitutional lawyer from Copperopolis, Calif,  founder of Civil Action Network, an independent media organization offering coordinated citizens’ referenda to promote justice, liberty & sustainable living.  www.CivilActionNetwork.org Visit HomeopathyWorldCommunity Vaccine Rights Guide Materia Medica Kavitha's Story