
Manfred Mueller Talks About The Cancer Disease



Manfred Mueller MA, DHM, RSHom(NA), CCH is principal lecturer and founder of THE HOMEOPATHIC COLLEGE. In his work he integrates current scientific insight into Hahnemannian methodology without sacrificing the principles of classical homeopathy. Beginning in 1990, he developed Reverse Chronological Tautopathy (RCT), a comprehensive approach to homeopathic treatment for adverse effects of  infections, vaccinations, x-rays, radiation and other medical procedures, drugs, and toxic exposures. "Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in industrialized societies. Long before cancer develops, the cancer diathesis exists as a non-clinical entity with a recognizable set of constitutional, physical, and personality characteristics that can be identified from infancy on. The cancer diathesis results in increased susceptibility to a wide range of disorders and to the development of multiple forms of cancer. It may be inherited or acquired. Identifying the cancer diathesis and treating for it early improves health an