Cosmic Rock Radio

True Vagina Power Part 2



True Vagina Power was a hit amongst the sisters and brothers.  A few people hit me up after and posed some very good points and questions.  One such being, "Why can't women do what men do?" "What about women who use sex for healing?", "Aphrodite daughters that healed soldies with sex.  What about the double standard of men sleeping with whomever they want?  Another huge one, what about peole that are celibate and have no true connection to their vaginas?  Furthermore losing INTEREST in a sexual relationship with others.  A sister shared the video on her FB page and one of her male friends says that he holds out on sex until he is sure that a woman is about her SELF.  Carrying herself ina proper way.  He went on to say that a clean woman who is in touch with herself is a turn on while a women who is CONSCIOUS is an even bigger turn on.  He that stated something about the power of the penis...   It was a n awesome talk and tonight we go further...