Talkcdl Trucking Podcast

Future Semi Trucks No Mirrors



Future Semi TrucksFuture Semi Trucks No Mirrors is the title to this weeks podcast. In the future most semi trucks will not have mirrors. Instead they will have mounted cameras in specific places that will enable the driver to see and monitor more of their surroundings. Mirrors can be blinding with sun reflexions. They also limit the driver to the space they reflect. Mirrors have proven to be a valuable tool on automobiles since the beginning of the auto industry. There is always room for improvement and that is where modern technology comes into play. This writer is in agreement to cameras mounted to show a driver a more safer way. Cameras can also warn Ones of the things a camera can do is sound off alarms. A camera set up the correct way can measure distance and know when an object is approaching or is in the way. It can sound an alarm to alert a driver thus avoiding most dangers in the future. In the future perhaps a camera will also come with a voice that can help guide a driver thru a safe trip.