Cowboy Wisdom Radio

Cowboy Wisdom Radio



Rob with Cowboy Wisdom never tells people how to change their life… Rob with Cowboy Wisdom shows people the way Rob expanded energized and enterprises his day to day life… I asked me… How is thinking I am entitled an conceited control and arrogant ignorance? As I now realize I never will be a leader…  Experiencing my dreamers accomplished outcomes until I admitted and dissolved I encrypted entitlement enigmas and pompous pride… That derailed me with deceiving pity me despair and victim vices turning me into ice internally as  I now realize thinking…  I was entitled was my lazy complacency keeping me maintaining mundane existence thinking I am better than others…  Smothered me in I’m owed my outcomes without getting off the couch of grouch expanding my wisdom innovation and unleashing numen…  Talents of trendsetting acumen lionizing numen tenacity seeing the world through pacesetter eyes leadership ears heart prowess and… Soul savvy opening unsoiled lore to explore the world through honour integrity ap