Cowboy Wisdom Radio

Cowboy Wisdom Radio



I asked me… How my pompous acidity stops me in tracks? I now realize admit and get I think in love yet I felt controlling conceit within me…  Turning my nose up to all people ridiculing others in brash dumb ass way egotistically anchored in I’m smarter than than others was my smart ass way… I lived as all my smart aleck asinine ways crashed and burned today and from the ashes rose my honorable humble  and kind knight of light to love…  Internally galvanizes hellraisers trendsetter ways to show people a better way as I asked me… How did I think in love and say I love others yet I felt smug… Dug in thuggery  anguish and jealousy with venomous envy I did deny was hidden within me till now as I now realize and concede I said what I never…  Felt until now as I now recognize and admire I appreciate life people and all life events as tutors and metaphors for me to soar…. As I now admit people today say do it through love yet their actions and words say otherwise opens my innerwise gall to admit I h