Cowboy Wisdom Radio

Cowboy Wisdom Radio



Good Evening I now opened the door for expectations to exit my life opening the way for venturesome courage to walk my trails of triumph as I feel my gut spunk… To trust my abilities to facilitate and participate my day to day event aggrandizing my experiences to expand through life with gusto gumption…  To realize and admit expectations are assumptions making an apathetic ass out me thinking in lewd liabilities because I herd coach potato ridicule…  From benchwarmers spewing twisted BS as I asked me How are expectations the lack of action thinking n want hoping things happen? I now understand and concede expectations are overthinking in mimicking mockery of me trapped in desperate mindsets created through delusional…  Despair creating a  depreciating self esteem invoking anxiety and stress festering up my pestering trauma and drama controlling my thoughts… Of what happened in my life stifling me in lecherous lair of always wanting to quit everything with blaming others while shaming belittling…  Myse