Cowboy Wisdom Radio

Cowboy Wisdom Radio



Good Day from Rob I am Robert A. Wilson with Cowboy Wisdom Walk of Wisdom Webinars/Walk of Wisdom Seminars Hypnotherapist, Dream Sculptor, Cowboy WisdomPublishing, and published author. Cowboy Wisdom is unpunctuated rhyming hypnotherapy NLP and dreamer’s freedom poetry frees inspirational intuition opening enterprising expressions to allow people to understand they encompass the wisdom innovation and talent to experience their dreams and desired accomplished outcomes. I write and speak about the way I expanded my life, sharing the ways I liberated my emotions and feelings from all my self-embedded stuff taught to me throughout life. Cowboy Wisdom shows you the way to uncover and discover your talents by opening your own inner understanding of your wisdom, talents and innovative ingenuity. How does victim control play out in our daily life? Victim control is when you say no and somebody tries to make you feel bad. I now realize is when i wanted a toy when I was young and I got mad that is victim control.