Cowboy Wisdom Radio

Cowboy Wisdom Radio



Good Evening from Rob with Cowboy Wisdom I am a published author with 3 new books Dissolving Pleasing Others, How Did I Teach Myself Fear? I Am Wisdom. I am hypnotherapist, NLP Practitioner, Time Line Coach, and Dream Sculpter with acition vocabulary. Dissolving My Innermost Gossiper Infinite gall to expand out of being an intoxicated gossiper spewing toxic goo of never do anything for myself trying to ruin others…  Smother my self-esteem so now I am now dissolving releasing letting go melting my gossiper funk that unfunked my life now and forever…  More as I asked me… How does a gossiping stop me from experiencing my desired life? I now admit and get I stopped… Myself from everything because I was totally engulfed is twit tepidly wound in turmoil over what somebody was doing and what… Somebody else got or had that I never I now realize severed me from accomplished outcomes because I now realize admit admire and… Respect I facilitate and participate appreciating eyes on the prize of my accomplished out