Cowboy Wisdom Radio

Cowboy Wisdom Radio



Good Evening to all... My listening lore awakened new ascending acumen understanding new words roused out new enterprising expressions to expand out of my current life. New words open new doors for me to walk through... Enterprising Expressions is a chapter in my newest book: I Am Wisdom I now realize admit admire and respect feeling my enterprising expressions with inspired emotions this is always a better way… To anything and everything so I asked me… How are words my inspirational lexes speaking my enterprising expressions? I quickly clarify my innerwise purifies my skies of spry virtuosity that hue’s my rad rainbows of colorful words coloring the images of… My dreams poetically painting my desired winning accomplished outcomes with now words that beyond my self taught vocabulary… Sanctions my new visionary vocabulary to play my movie of my affluent rich results on my third eye movie screen sheens my feeling…  Gallantly groovy galvanizing rebellious optimistic omnificence vehemently yeses my rhyming