Cowboy Wisdom Radio

Cowboy Wisdom Radio



Good Evening I am Rob with Cowboy Wisdom hypnotherapist NLP Dream Sculptor published author Time Line Coach Life Coach and Past regression dissolver I opened up today to a new chi that set me free. I realized I was going through the motions of self help instantly unblocked my lazyasseyetice going through the motions yet staying the same. As I awaken and dissolved my lazyasseyetice I admitted to myself I wanted a life of riley yet I was waiting for something to occur rather than energizing my desired outcome. The meaning of lazyasseyetice is going through the motions staying in the comfort zone of my know it all thinking. I now realize admit admire and respect the wisdom of the universe allows my infuse the musical maestro of mojo magnificence to dance my daring audscious new celebrations enterprising my innersurprises of animated acume opens my trust of my abilites to ascend of the new avenues of profundity now and forever more