Cowboy Wisdom Radio

Cowboy Wisdom Radio



Introducing you to a new type of meditation for all of you to enjoy Good Day from Robert A. Wilson with Cowboy Wisdom opens the way for you to expand through life with lionized internal fervor energy the universe shows you everyday to experience  your life through love  realizing respecting and admiring all people are your equal frees your heart and soul supremacy to feel your racy serenity flow through your arteries of awesome autonomy now and forever I opened my enterprising eyes unleashed my innerwise geysers my intuitive wizardry cleared my veins of ordained omnificence expresses my stately significance lets fly my spry entertaining energies that excited my gut gallantry to surrender all my unpleasant limited thinking thoughts and memories to oblivion to be forever begone dawned my sunrise splendor beamed my heart’s rainbow glow coloring the universe with my animated ardor dancing my new age raving savior faire celebrating sumptuous subliminal stimulation enticing emotional elations stimulating foreseei