Cowboy Wisdom Radio

Cowboy Wisdom Radio



Rob with Cowboy Wisdom talks about experiencing the courage to understand respect and admire my energy of excitement to expand through life. I minted my mystical ado sets free my animated dreamers omnificence to rumba with revolutionary resplendence because my travana trendsetter revolutionary visionary atistry frees my heart of humilty and soul of savvy to energize the entrepreneurs of the world now and forever... I now feel my mystical I am lust of listening unconditionally seeing today I thrust of trust feeling  my energy of excitement to unleash my travana of traveling revolutionary visionary artist painting the worldly landscape with portraits of... My copious cornucopia sensing life as an animated adventure feeling my minted mystical enlightenmint tasting the sweet mint sensations of my inner voyage walking on my physical paths of life realizing admitting and admire my minted enlightenmint.. That I partake in the fake of bake of thinking allowed my daily escapades to be lived through memories of ye