Cowboy Wisdom Radio

Cowboy Wisdom Radio



Rob with Cowboy Wisdom talks about how the past is memories of the now controlling peoples lives. I bodaciously blew through my know it all ceiling because I dissolve let go and released all my torturous thoughts worrywart thinking and memories that paralyze me because I was taught thoughts now as I expand of inspirational expressions sassily sanctions me myself and I to understand admire and respect I can have tortuous thoughts so I asked me… How do I feel when I say inspirational expressions? Unlock a cocky candor of surrendering think know mind change heal create transformation heal and past to my fires of never more are these words used spoken or part of life unseals my visionary vocabulary of inspirational expressions brainpower feeling emotions expand energize enterprise that execute experiences of glorious gusto because I now realize negative cause hurt feelings and agonizing emotions were dispatched to oblivion allows me to understand I unlatched all words attached... To the past opened a new wave