Cowboy Wisdom Radio

Cowboy Wisdom Radio



Flow in the Glow Unleashes your Sunrise Wise unmasking your Sun-Lit Wit to unveil your intrepid insight taking flight in your divine white light... Robert Wilson I am in the flow of the go of my genius glow. With this magnificence, I unleash my galvanizing leadership which opens up my winning wisdom that lays beneath my skin to brazenly gleam my bold, lightning bolt ‘chutzpah’ that highlights my glittering star lightens and brightens my omnipresent worldly revered honor. Fervently living, outwardly salutes, my graciously lionizing, onward oracle wizardry, gloriously galvanizing lavish luxurious gifts from all sources in the universe. I instantly generate ‘gig-a-volt’ electrons excite my one billion volts of electricity instantly, illuminate my visionary omnipotent, lurid trendsetting, superstar gleam. Vividly beams my gallant, luminescent, omniscient wisdom and glowingly lights up the worldwide opalescent wealth that ignites dynamite, awesome, mahatma insight...purely triumphant epitome!