Cowboy Wisdom Radio

Cowboy Wisdom Radio



Unmind Life Unbinds Unwinds My Divine I asked me… How is my mind of memories my deceptions of expectations that leave me wondering why did this happen to me? As felt my courage rise to ask… How does thinking using and saying the word heal keep me looking at what I think is wrong with me? I asked me… How alive do I feel realizing I was trying to heal figment of fallacy I taught myself through others and a system of selfishness? So I asked me… How do I feel eternally internally and externally admitting and realizing I am daringly dynamic just as I am? Authorized me to instantly unmind my life unbinds unwinds my divine spine divinity beaming my wise wininity to show all the healing I had… Thought I had to do to the door then to sewer to never be in my life allows me to be of my divine spine serenity shining my heart light… Soul sovereignty to shout at the top of my lungs to the world I am imperfect to the physical playground yet so perfect for my spiritual…